Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chipotle Menu Changes

Today I’d like to discuss the implications of two recent changes to the Chipotle menu; the temporary removal of Carnitas, and the addition of tofu-based Sofritas.

The sign explaining the lack of pork, found in the Chipotle line in January
Carnitas was removed from the menu in January of this year at the majority of Chipotle locations when it was discovered that one of their major suppliers was not responsibly raising its meat. One of Chipotle’s differentiating factors is the idea that they believe that animals deserve to be treated humanely. In this case, the pigs were being kept in cramped pigpens instead of being allowed to roam freely. While this does not necessarily affect the finished product in terms of the quality of the actual pork that goes into a burrito, it affects consumer perception of the brand as a whole. Chipotle tries through its marketing to create a schema (CB chapter 3) which includes responsible consumerism. This made national news. For consumers who have a strong self-concept of caring for animal welfare, this news would likely convince them that Chipotle is in line with their own personal values. It is reasonable for consumers to have a self image of themselves (CB chapter 6) that includes compassion for helpless animals, which Chipotle proved is something they care about as a brand. My friend Dillon was telling me that although Carnitas was one of his favorite ingredients, he has a strong enough brand loyalty that he continued to eat at Chipotle even when the Carnitas wasn't available, This comes in part because he is concerned with where his food comes from. Responsible farming is something that several brands discuss, but it isn't something consumers are easily able to evaluate. By removing Carnitas from their menu, they proved that they are serious about caring about animals.

This was added to Chipotle menus to inform customers about Sofritas
 A few months before the Carnitas incident, Chipotle introduced Sofritas to their menu. Sofritas is an ingredient primarily made up of tofu, which allows vegetarian consumers to have more options when deciding what to eat at Chipotle. For me, this is awesome news even though I eat meat. My best friend Divya is a vegetarian, and she was never fond of going to Chipotle with me since her burritos lacked protein and flavor. Prior to the release of sofritas, if I ever wanted to bring her to Chipotle I felt as though I was being a burden so we did not go there together very often even though it’s one of my favorite places to eat. Divya really likes Sofritas, which is great for me because we can go to Chipotle all the time and it’s something we both enjoy. Divya is a part of my primary group (CB chapter 8) since we’ve been friends since middle school. Therefore, her consumer influence on me is especially strong. Introducing Sofritas was a smart move for Chipotle because not only does it attract vegetarians to their restaurants, it strengthens their appeal to people like me who have vegetarian friends.

Here's Divya and me with a fake palm tree. 
Thanks everyone! Now tell me, have you tried Sofritas? Also, is there a brand which increased your loyalty by attracting your friends as consumers?


  1. Christina, your blog title captured my attention because I'm also a huge Chipotle fan! I've heard of Sofritas being a new addition to Chipotle, but I haven't tried it yet. Through word-of-mouth from my friends, I've heard mixed reviews about the taste of Sofritas (Babin & Harris, 2015, p. 157). Because of this, I don't have high expectations about how good Sofritas will taste. However, because I still love Chipotle food and also agree with their mission of responsibly raising its meat, I'm still looking forward to giving Sofritas a try. Hopefully I'll experience positive disconfirmation and end up liking Sofritas more than my current expectations of it (Babin & Harris, 2015, p. 279).

  2. Christina,
    I enjoyed your blog discussing Chipotle and its menu changes. I have also decided to write blogs on Chipotle and discussed the Carnitas being removed from the menu. Overall, this definitely effected my perception (Babin/Harris) of Chipotle because to me, serving their customers is more than just serving whatever they are provided with. They wanna make sure they're doing things the right way; they have integrity. I also think that adding Sofritas to the menu was a smart move on Chipotle's part. They most certainly gained a new group of customers that could enjoy their food. However, you couldn't pay me to eat tofu, I enjoy meat way too much.

